How to create a candlestick chart (I) in Tableau

Candlestick charts are often used in finance to analyse price movements over time. Let us then see how to build step-by-step progress a candlestick chart on Tableau.

Step 1. Create the candlestick chart

  1. Connect to the data source (in this case we are not using Sample Superstore).
  2. Drag Open on Rows. Right click on it and select Measure (sum) > Minimum.
  3. Repeat point 2 with High.
  4. Right click on Date in the data pane. Select Change data type > Date.
  5. Drag Date on Columns and select Day May 8 2015.
  6. Click on MIN(High) in the Rows and select Dual axis.
  7. Click on the All Marks card and select Gantt Bar from the dropdown menu.



  1. Create a Calculated field. Let’s call it “Diff HL” and type (min([High])-min([Low]))*-1 .
  2. Create another Calculated field. Let’s call it “Diff OC” and type (min([Open])-min([Close]))*-1  .
  3. Select the Marks card MIN (Open). Drag Diff OC on Size.
  4. Select the Marks card MIN (High). Drag Diff HL on Size. Reduce the size.
  5. Select the Marks card All. Drag Diff OC on Color. Select two stepped colors like blue and red.
  6. Right click on the y axis on the left “Min Open”. Choose Range > Fixed > and insert 25 as a Fixed start.



  1. Select the y axis on the right “Min High” and select Synchronize axis. Done!



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